Ngāti Paoa and Ngāti Whanaunga
Lucy has a whakapapa association to Tāmaki Makaurau, of Ngāti Paoa and Ngāti Whanaunga, raised in Papakura. She has also participated in tribal governance and operational roles.
She has a longstanding relationship with central and local government in roles that have supported tangata whenua self-determination, to have their aspirations made manifest through means such as Māori outcomes, artistic cultural expression etc.
A founding member of national Māori entities, Ngā Aho (collective of Māori creatives) and Te Matapihi (peak sector body for Māori housing), her portfolio and roles within varying disciplines is expansive and is a member on Auckland Council's Urban Design Panel. Through her consultancy, NativebyNature she assists developers in cultural engagement and design to uplift core values of tika, pono and aroha.
Bringing the Brown
Whakawhitiwhiti Kōrero
Tuesday 19 November
Over 16 years Lucy has worked alongside Mana Whenua of Tāmaki across many kaupapa. Through this experience, also working closely with her own Iwi, local government, crown and the private sector, she has formulated Te Whakarito, a framework that calls forward a values based, place sourced, culture led and community fed, regenerative approach uplifting mana motuhake.