Gina Rembe



Gina has spent the better part of ten years working on social impact work, in particular when it comes to designing and facilitating immersive programmes for people to build their capacity and capability in co-design and participation.

She worked on Lifehack for three years, though it felt much longer, and has been applying her systems-intervention brain on Enspiral Dev Academy since 2018. She's passionate about asking the hard question, and has been working on building realistic expectations on what authentic participation looks like. She's been particular interested in what honouring Te Tiriti O Waitangi looks like for tauiwi humans and organisations.

Working at the intersection: Reflecting on lifehack

Whakawhitiwhiti Kōrero
Wednesday 20 November

Lifehack closed down two years ago.

Former co-lead Gina Rembe will be reflecting back on what it was like to run a codesign initiative before its time, including the team, culture, privilege and approach which enabled Lifehack to influence humans, practices and initiatives to this day.


Gael Surgenor


Grace Stratton