Mihi Tibble
Insights and Evaluation Manager
Tamaki Response
Born and raised in rural Aotearoa by her grandmother and parents, Mihi Tibble (Ngāti Porou, Whānau ā Apanui, Te Arawa, Ngāti Awa) is the Insights and Evaluation Manager at Tamaki Regeneration Company’s social innovation hub, Tamaki Response.
She is also the coowner of Tuhi Stationery, a bespoke company that connects traditional mātauranga māori knowledge to inspire and design modern day stationery. Having held a number of governance and executive roles over the 25 years she has worked in the field of codesign, health and social services, education, housing and regeneration.
As a Mama of four, she is passionate about maramataka, mātauranga and whakapapa centred design knowing that everything is connected in driving outcomes for whānau, hapu, iwi and communities.

Tuesday 19 November
2.30pm | 3.00pm | 3.30pm